2nd Grand Coalition (Vision 2050) meeting Feb 24th
Daniel Mufson | Feb 17, 2015

The Grand Coalition --> Vision 2050

Next Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015 Meeting @1:00PM
The Horseman’s Clubhouse, 1200 Foster Road (map)
(Directions: Off 29 @ Imola, go west to end of road, turn left (south), 1/3 of a mile on left is the Horseman’s)


1. Coalition Goals and Objectives
2. Preparation for March 10 Meeting

The coalition Steering Committee, with members from all around the county, has met weekly since the Marriott meeting and has discussed how we can affect positive changes in our home. The mission statement and name reflect our desire to bring about responsible planning.

Our Mission is to: Advocate for Responsible Planning to Insure Sustainability of the Finite Resources of Napa County.

On March 10 the Supervisors will hold a meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss the future of Napa. The official agenda has not yet been issued. However, the agenda per Morrison will be:

1. A broad view of past trends and future projections regarding demographics, housing, economics, and the wine industry.

2. A summary of the NCTPA travel study (the first time it has been presented to the Board of Supervisors). The full study is here (via the St. Helena Window). Just the conclusions are here

3. A presentation on tourism data. You can bone up on this study and this study done in 2012

There will be time for public comment. We are also looking to set up a place to submit comments electronically after the March 10 meeting, so that the conversation can continue.

Since we met last there have been many more development projects thrown into the hopper. It’s been taking so much energy to study them and respond while all the time wondering why so many variances are always granted. Don’t they ever say no? (One Supervisor did proudly tell me that indeed they rejected a project several years ago)

We want a seat at the planning table—as citizens we own the table don’t we? Unfortunately no one from the county staff has approached us to ask our opinions, as they have from the industry, so we need to speak up. We need to meet and plan how we want to respond to issues of growth: At this coalition meeting we will designate response teams to prepare our public comments on these topics:

· CAP (GHG); Oak Woodlands; community rights
· Commons; It’s our table
· Compliance/Enforcement
· Cumulative Analysis
· CQEA (Variances)
· General Plan (Watershed/Ag; Hillside Development)
· Public Costs of new (tourism) development
· Water (WAA)
· Watersheds
· WDO Ordinance

Our Marriott meeting was quite exciting. This one will be more so. Please invite a friend to come with you. Feel free to call or write with your comments.

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