Thank you all for participating in our Grand Coalition meeting on Tuesday. It was a remarkable and a most pleasant sight to have so many concerned citizens from all over convene to discuss common concerns about over development. I have reviewed my scribbled notes and the those scribed by Jim Wilson and extracted the following points:
-Promote slow, smart, sustainable growth
-Long term sustainability of natural resources, of land use
-BOS are powerful; only 3 can change things
-Don’t get rolled over; use methods to make them hear us
-Find our commonality
-Stand up for quality of life; Ag is not the best and highest use of all land
-Seek a moratorium
-Encourage compliance with existing regulations
-Move from swatting flies to regulation changes e.g. CAP
-Be a coalition, share resources, coordinate responses
-Law, jobs, money [define the battle, strategy, weapons]
-Wine industry is not our enemy
-Get a seat at the table
With 50 attendees it was difficult to get to the point of specific organizational plans. We agreed that a steering committee should be formed to continue the dialog. Therefore, I have invited leaders of the key groups present to meet as a steering committee to flesh out how we might work together.