This is an archived version of the Napavision 2050 website prior to Sept, 2017. Click here for the current website.
To Promote the Health, Welfare and Safety of our Communities by Advocating for Responsible Planning
to Insure Sustainability of the Finite Resources of Napa County.

Donate to Napa Vision 2050

Napa Spring by Duane Cronk
Donate now to help us keep Napa beautiful

“Big Money is here in a Big Way!”
These Groups are working for Citizens’ Voice.

“Big money is here now in a big way. It’s affecting all of us. It’s affecting our way of life. It’s affecting our county policy. … Our way of life... has been monetized and sold. If it doesn’t make money, it’s valueless, and that’s not the way it should be.” - Bob Dwyer, local resident in closing comments at the Napa County Supervisors’ recent ‘vision workshop’ on March 27.

When the government fails to lead, it is up to the people, and Community Groups of people are doing just that! We have so much more to consider than profit and property rights. The health of our citizens and environment and the integrity of our water supply are at stake. What affects one of us affects us all.

Napa Vision 2050 supports these groups, and we are all having an impact. Join us! Donate to help legal efforts. It takes all of us to change how we think about land use, power, and profit. Nature does have rights!

Walt Ranch: Challenging County approval of project in Napa County Superior Court:
Combined suit by Center for Biological Diversity and Sierra Club
Living Rivers Council
Combined suit by Circle Oaks Home Association and Circle Oaks County Water District

Syar Industries Inc. : Suing the County and Syar Industries, Inc. over approval of Syar expansion and health impact on neighborhood.
Stop Syar Expansion (Napa Vision 2050 is part of this suit)
Skyline Park Citizens Association

Protecting the rural nature of Napa County is going to be a long term endeavor. If you feel that the rural quality of your life is worth protecting this organization is here to provide the legal and technical help necessary to defend your community and retain the rural environment Napa County committed itself to 45 years ago.

Benefits of your contribution:
  • Knowledge that you are supporting programs that promote quality of life by preserving the agricultural nature of Napa County for the benefit of future generations of residents and visitors.
  • Join with us to promote neighborhood awareness of land conservation efforts in Napa County.
  • Monitor and discuss responses of government officials/departments regarding the preservation of the
    agricultural nature of Napa County.
  • Invitations to Napa Vision 2050 special events

You may donate by sending a check made out to Napa Vision 2050 to:

    Napa Vision 2050
    PO Box 2385
    Yountville, CA 94599

Or you can send an online donation via PayPal (all credit cards accepted)

Please note that contributions or gifts to Napa Vision 2050 are not tax deductible. Contact if you have questions.

Give a gift that gives back

In partnership with Berkeley glass artist Susanna Conaway, Napa Vision 2050 suggests an eco-smart gift for each of those on your holiday list. Choose from three styles of these gorgeous fused-glass panels, each depicting an image of a bird's nest in tree branches. Panels are 4 inches x 4 inches. Panels come with a colored bamboo fiber cord and brass ring for hanging.

Each one is handmade, makes for the perfect gift, and is $45 with $5 from each sale going to Napa Vision 2050 to support our efforts to preserve and protect our water resources, forests, rural communities, agriculture and open space.

Click here for more information on these attractive glass panels and how you can purchase them.

Experience Nature and Support Napa Vision 2050

Lowell Downey and Janna Waldinger, Photographers